
The way you usually talk about the uncertainty principle
is to discuss measurements of position and momentum.

But it goes deeper than that.
It is an intrinsic limitation on 
what position and momentum mean.

Ultimately, position and momentum are not numbers.

They are more complicated objects called operators,
which I won't try to describe except to say that 
they are perfectly precise mathematical constructions
-just more complicated than numbers.

The uncertainty principle arises from 
the difference between numbers and operators.

The quantity ∆x is not just 
the uncertainty of measurement;
it is the irreducible uncertainty
of the particle's position.

What the uncertainty principle captures
is not a lack of knowledge,
but a fundamental fuzziness
of the subatomic world (…)

The uncertainty 
in the momentum of an electron
is essentially the momentum itself,
because of this uncertainty in direction.

The overall picture is that the electron
is trapped by its attraction to the nucleus,
but quantum mechanics does not permit
the electron to rest in its trap.

Instead, it wanders ceaselessly in a way 
that quantum mechanics describes.

This insistent wandering 
is what gives the atom it size.

If the electron were permitted to sit still,
it would do so inside the nucleus,
because it is attracted to the nucleus.

Matter itself would then collapse
to the density of the nucleus,
which would be very uncomfortable!

So the quantum wanderings 
of the electrons inside the atoms
is a blessing.

Although the electron
in a hydrogen atom
has an uncertainty position
and an uncertain momentum,
it has a definite energy.

Actually, it has several possible energies.
The way physicists describe the situation
is to say that electron's energy is 'quantized'.

The Little Book of String Theory
Steven S. Gubser
Princeton University Press (2010)

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