Our Biotech Future

by Freeman Dyson
The New York Review of Books, July 19, 2007
It has become part 
of the accepted wisdom to say 
that the twentieth century 
was the century of physics 
and the twenty-first century 
will be the century of biology. 

Two facts about the coming century 
are agreed on by almost everyone. 

Biology is now bigger than physics, 
as measured by the size of budgets, 
by the size of the workforce, 
or by the output of major discoveries; 
and biology is likely to remain 
the biggest part of science 
through the twenty-first century. 

Biology is also more important than physics, 
as measured by its economic consequences, 
by its ethical implications, 
or by its effects on human welfare.

These facts raise an interesting question. 

Will the domestication of high technology, 
which we have seen marching 
from triumph to triumph 
with the advent of personal computers 
and GPS receivers and digital cameras, 
soon be extended from 
physical technology to biotechnology? 

I believe that the answer to this question is yes. 
Here I am bold enough to make a definite prediction. 

I predict that the domestication of biotechnology 
will dominate our lives during the next fifty years 
at least as much as the domestication of computers 
has dominated our lives during the previous fifty years.

I see a close analogy 
between John von Neumann’s 
blinkered vision of computers 
as large centralized facilities 
and the public perception 
of genetic engineering today 
as an activity of large pharmaceutical 
and agribusiness corporations 
such as Monsanto. 

The public distrusts Monsanto 
because Monsanto likes to put genes 
for poisonous pesticides into food crops, 
just as we distrusted von Neumann 
because he liked to use his computer 
for designing hydrogen bombs secretly at midnight. 

It is likely that genetic engineering 
will remain unpopular and controversial 
so long as it remains a centralized activity 
in the hands of large corporations.

I see a bright future 
for the biotechnology industry 
when it follows the path 
of the computer industry, 
the path that von Neumann 
failed to foresee, 
becoming small and domesticated 
rather than big and centralized. 

The first step in this direction 
was already taken recently, 
when genetically modified tropical fish 
with new and brilliant colors 
appeared in pet stores. 

For biotechnology to become domesticated, 
the next step is to become user-friendly. 

I recently spent a happy day 
at the Philadelphia Flower Show, 
the biggest indoor flower show in the world, 
where flower breeders from all over the world 
show off the results of their efforts. 

I have also visited 
the Reptile Show in San Diego, 
an equally impressive show 
displaying the work 
of another set of breeders. 

Philadelphia excels in orchids and roses, 
San Diego excels in lizards and snakes. 

The main problem for a grandparent 
visiting the reptile show with a grandchild 
is to get the grandchild out of the building 
without actually buying a snake.

Every orchid or rose or lizard or snake 
is the work of a dedicated and skilled breeder. 

There are thousands of people, 
amateurs and professionals, 
who devote their lives to this business. 

Now imagine what will happen 
when the tools of genetic engineering 
become accessible to these people. 

There will be do-it-yourself kits for gardeners 
who will use genetic engineering 
to breed new varieties of roses and orchids. 

Also kits for lovers of pigeons and parrots 
and lizards and snakes to breed new varieties of pets. 

Breeders of dogs and cats will have their kits too.

Domesticated biotechnology, 
once it gets into the hands 
of housewives and children, 
will give us an explosion 
of diversity of new living creatures, 
rather than the monoculture crops 
that the big corporations prefer. 

New lineages will proliferate 
to replace those that 
monoculture farming 
and deforestation have destroyed. 

Designing genomes will be a personal thing, 
a new art form as creative as painting or sculpture.

Few of the new creations will be masterpieces, 
but a great many will bring joy to their creators 
and variety to our fauna and flora. 

The final step in the domestication 
of biotechnology will be biotech games, 
designed like computer games 
for children down to kindergarten age 
but played with real eggs and seeds 
rather than with images on a screen. 

Playing such games, kids will acquire 
an intimate feeling for the organisms 
that they are growing. 

The winner could be the kid 
whose seed grows the prickliest cactus, 
or the kid whose egg 
hatches the cutest dinosaur. 

These games will be messy 
and possibly dangerous. 

Rules and regulations 
will be needed to make sure 
that our kids do not 
endanger themselves and others. 

The dangers of biotechnology are real and serious.

If domestication of biotechnology 
is the wave of the future, 
five important questions 
need to be answered. 

First, can it be stopped? 

Second, ought it to be stopped? 

Third, if stopping it is 
either impossible or undesirable, 
what are the appropriate limits 
that our society must impose on it? 

Fourth, how should the limits be decided? 

Fifth, how should the limits be enforced, 
nationally and internationally? 

I do not attempt 
to answer these questions here. 

I leave it to our children 
and grandchildren 
to supply the answers.


A New Biology for a New Century

Carl Woese is the world’s greatest expert 
in the field of microbial taxonomy, 
the classification and understanding of microbes. 

He explored the ancestry of microbes 
by tracing the similarities 
and differences between their genomes. 

He discovered 
the large-scale structure of the tree of life, 
with all living creatures descended 
from three primordial branches. 

Before Woese, the tree of life 
had two main branches 
called prokaryotes and eukaryotes, 
the prokaryotes composed of cells 
without nuclei and the eukaryotes 
composed of cells with nuclei. 

All kinds of plants and animals, 
including humans, 
belonged to the eukaryote branch. 

The prokaryote branch contained only microbes. 

Woese discovered, by studying 
the anatomy of microbes in detail, 
that there are two fundamentally 
different kinds of prokaryotes, 
which he called bacteria and archea. 

So he constructed 
a new tree of life 
with three branches, 
bacteria, archea, and eukaryotes. 

Most of the well-known microbes are bacteria. 

The archea were at first supposed 
to be rare and confined 
to extreme environments such as hot springs, 
but they are now known to be abundant 
and widely distributed over the planet. 

Woese recently published two provocative 
and illuminating articles with the titles 
“A New Biology for a New Century” 
and (together with Nigel Goldenfeld) 
“Biology’s Next Revolution.”*

Woese’s main theme 
is the obsolescence of reductionist biology 
as it has been practiced for the last hundred years, 
with its assumption that biological processes 
can be understood by studying genes and molecules. 

What is needed instead is a new synthetic biology 
based on emergent patterns of organization. 

Aside from his main theme, 
he raises another important question. 

When did Darwinian evolution begin? 

By Darwinian evolution 
he means evolution 
as Darwin understood it, 
based on the competition 
for survival of noninterbreeding species. 

He presents evidence that Darwinian evolution 
does not go back to the beginning of life. 

When we compare genomes 
of ancient lineages of living creatures, 
we find evidence of numerous transfers 
of genetic information from one lineage to another. 

In early times, 
horizontal gene transfer, 
the sharing of genes between 
unrelated species, was prevalent. 

It becomes more prevalent the further back you go in time.

Whatever Carl Woese writes, 
even in a speculative vein, 
needs to be taken seriously. 

In his “New Biology” article, 
he is postulating a golden age 
of pre-Darwinian life, 
when horizontal gene transfer 
was universal and separate species 
did not yet exist. 

Life was then 
a community of cells 
of various kinds, 
sharing their genetic information 
so that clever chemical tricks 
and catalytic processes 
invented by one creature 
could be inherited by all of them. 

Evolution was a communal affair, 
the whole community 
advancing in metabolic 
and reproductive efficiency 
as the genes of the most 
efficient cells were shared. 

Evolution could be rapid, 
as new chemical devices 
could be evolved simultaneously 
by cells of different kinds 
working in parallel 
and then reassembled 
in a single cell 
by horizontal gene transfer.

But then, one evil day, 
a cell resembling a primitive bacterium 
happened to find itself one jump ahead 
of its neighbors in efficiency. 

That cell, anticipating Bill Gates 
by three billion years, 
separated itself from the community 
and refused to share. 

Its offspring became 
the first species of bacteriae
"and the first species of any kind"
reserving their intellectual property 
for their own private use. 

With their superior efficiency, 
the bacteria continued to prosper 
and to evolve separately, 
while the rest of the community 
continued its communal life. 

Some millions of years later, 
another cell separated itself 
from the community 
and became the ancestor of the archea. 

Some time after that, 
a third cell separated itself 
and became the ancestor 
of the eukaryotes. 

And so it went on, 
until nothing was left 
of the community and all life 
was divided into species. 

The Darwinian interlude had begun.

The Darwinian interlude 
has lasted for two or three billion years. 
It probably slowed down 
the pace of evolution considerably. 

The basic biochemical machinery of life 
had evolved rapidly during the few 
hundreds of millions of years 
of the pre-Darwinian era, 
and changed very little 
in the next two billion years 
of microbial evolution. 

Darwinian evolution is slow 
because individual species, 
once established, evolve very little. 

With rare exceptions, 
Darwinian evolution 
requires established species 
to become extinct 
so that new species can replace them.

Now, after three billion years, 
the Darwinian interlude is over. 

It was an interlude between 
two periods of horizontal gene transfer. 

The epoch of Darwinian evolution 
based on competition between species 
ended about ten thousand years ago, 
when a single species, Homo sapiens, 
began to dominate and reorganize the biosphere. 

Since that time, cultural evolution 
has replaced biological evolution 
as the main driving force of change. 

Cultural evolution is not Darwinian. 

Cultures spread 
by horizontal transfer of ideas 
more than by genetic inheritance. 

Cultural evolution is running 
a thousand times faster 
than Darwinian evolution, 
taking us into a new era 
of cultural interdependence 
which we call globalization. 

And now, as Homo sapiens 
domesticates the new biotechnology, 
we are reviving 
the ancient pre-Darwinian practice 
of horizontal gene transfer, 
moving genes easily from 
microbes to plants and animals, 
blurring the boundaries between species. 

We are moving rapidly 
into the post-Darwinian era, 
when species other than our own 
will no longer exist, 
and the rules of Open Source sharing 
will be extended from the exchange 
of software to the exchange of genes. 

Then the evolution of life 
will once again be communal, 
as it was in the good old days 
before separate species 
and intellectual property were invented.

I would like 
to borrow Carl Woese’s vision 
of the future of biology and extend it 
to the whole of science. 

Here is his metaphor for the future of science:

Imagine a child playing in a woodland stream, 
poking a stick into an eddy in the flowing current, 
thereby disrupting it. But the eddy quickly reforms. 

The child disperses it again. 
Again it reforms, and 
the fascinating game goes on. 

There you have it! 

Organisms are resilient patterns 
in a turbulent flow 
-patterns in an energy flow…. 

It is becoming increasingly clear 
that to understand living systems 
in any deep sense, we must 
come to see them not materialistically, 
as machines, but as stable, 
complex, dynamic organization.

This picture of living creatures, 
as patterns of organization 
rather than collections of molecules, 
applies not only to bees and bacteria, 
butterflies and rain forests, 
but also to sand dunes and snowflakes, 
thunderstorms and hurricanes. 

The nonliving universe 
is as diverse and as dynamic 
as the living universe, 
and is also dominated 
by patterns of organization 
that are not yet understood. 

The reductionist physics 
and the reductionist molecular biology 
of the twentieth century will continue 
to be important in the twenty-first century, 
but they will not be dominant. 

The big problems, 
the evolution of the universe as a whole, 
the origin of life, 
the nature of human consciousness, 
and the evolution of the earth’s climate, 
cannot be understood by reducing them 
to elementary particles and molecules. 

New ways of thinking 
and new ways of organizing 
large databases will be needed.


Green Technology

The domestication of biotechnology 
in everyday life may also be helpful in solving 
practical economic and environmental problems. 

Once a new generation 
of children has grown up, 
as familiar with biotech games 
as our grandchildren 
are now with computer games, 
biotechnology will 
no longer seem weird and alien. 

In the era of Open Source biology, 
the magic of genes will be available 
to anyone with the skill 
and imagination to use it. 

The way will be 
open for biotechnology 
to move into the mainstream 
of economic development, 
to help us solve some 
of our urgent social problems 
and ameliorate the human condition 
all over the earth. 

Open Source biology 
could be a powerful tool, 
giving us access to cheap 
and abundant solar energy.

A plant is a creature 
that uses the energy of sunlight 
to convert water and carbon dioxide 
and other simple chemicals 
into roots and leaves and flowers. 

To live, it needs to collect sunlight. 
But it uses sunlight with low efficiency. 

The most efficient crop plants, 
such as sugarcane or maize, 
convert about 1 percent of the sunlight 
that falls onto them into chemical energy. 

Artificial solar collectors 
made of silicon can do much better. 

Silicon solar cells can convert sunlight 
into electrical energy with 15 percent efficiency, 
and electrical energy can be converted 
into chemical energy without much loss. 

We can imagine that in the future, 
when we have mastered 
the art of genetically engineering plants, 
we may breed new crop plants 
that have leaves made of silicon, 
converting sunlight into chemical energy 
with ten times the efficiency of natural plants. 

These artificial crop plants 
would reduce the area of land needed 
for biomass production by a factor of ten. 

They would allow solar energy 
to be used on a massive scale 
without taking up too much land. 

They would look like natural plants 
except that their leaves would be black, 
the color of silicon, instead of green, 
the color of chlorophyll. 

The question I am asking is, 
how long will it take us 
to grow plants with silicon leaves?

If the natural evolution of plants 
had been driven by the need 
for high efficiency of utilization of sunlight, 
then the leaves of all plants would have been black. 

Black leaves would absorb sunlight 
more efficiently than leaves of any other color. 

Obviously plant evolution 
was driven by other needs, 
and in particular by the need 
for protection against overheating. 

For a plant growing in a hot climate, 
it is advantageous to reflect 
as much as possible of the sunlight 
that is not used for growth. 

There is plenty of sunlight, 
and it is not important 
to use it with maximum efficiency. 

The plants have evolved 
with chlorophyll in their leaves 
to absorb the useful 
red and blue components of sunlight 
and to reflect the green. 

That is why it is reasonable for plants 
in tropical climates to be green. 

But this logic does not explain 
why plants in cold climates 
where sunlight is scarce are also green. 

We could imagine that in a place like Iceland, 
overheating would not be a problem, 
and plants with black leaves 
using sunlight more efficiently 
would have an evolutionary advantage. 

For some reason 
which we do not understand, 
natural plants with black leaves never appeared. 

Why not? Perhaps we shall not understand 
why nature did not travel this route 
until we have traveled it ourselves.

After we have explored this route to the end, 
when we have created new forests 
of black-leaved plants that can use sunlight 
ten times more efficiently than natural plants, 
we shall be confronted 
by a new set of environmental problems. 

Who shall be allowed to grow the black-leaved plants? 

Will black-leaved plants remain 
an artificially maintained cultivar, 
or will they invade 
and permanently change the natural ecology? 

What shall we do with the silicon trash 
that these plants leave behind them? 

Shall we be able to design 
a whole ecology of silicon-eating microbes 
and fungi and earthworms to keep 
the black-leaved plants in balance 
with the rest of nature 
and to recycle their silicon? 

The twenty-first century will bring us 
powerful new tools of genetic engineering 
with which to manipulate our farms and forests. 

With the new tools will come 
new questions and new responsibilities.

Rural poverty is one of the great evils of the modern world. 

The lack of jobs and economic opportunities 
in villages drives millions of people 
to migrate from villages into overcrowded cities. 

The continuing migration causes immense 
social and environmental problems 
in the major cities of poor countries. 

The effects of poverty 
are most visible in the cities, 
but the causes of poverty 
lie mostly in the villages. 

What the world needs 
is a technology that directly attacks 
the problem of rural poverty 
by creating wealth and jobs in the villages. 

A technology that creates industries 
and careers in villages would give 
the villagers a practical alternative to migration. 

It would give them a chance to survive 
and prosper without uprooting themselves.

The shifting balance of wealth and population 
between villages and cities is one 
of the main themes of human history 
over the last ten thousand years. 

The shift from villages to cities 
is strongly coupled with a shift 
from one kind of technology to another. 

I find it convenient to call 
the two kinds of technology green and gray. 

The adjective “green” 
has been appropriated and abused 
by various political movements, 
especially in Europe, so I need 
to explain clearly what I have in mind 
when I speak of green and gray. 

Green technology is based on biology, 
gray technology on physics and chemistry.

Roughly speaking, green technology 
is the technology that gave birth 
to village communities ten thousand years ago, 
starting from the domestication of plants and animals, 
the invention of agriculture, the breeding 
of goats and sheep and horses and cows and pigs, 
the manufacture of textiles and cheese and wine. 

Gray technology is the technology 
that gave birth to cities and empires 
five thousand years later, 
starting from the forging of bronze and iron, 
the invention of wheeled vehicles and paved roads, 
the building of ships and war chariots, 
the manufacture of swords and guns and bombs. 

Gray technology also produced 
the steel plows, tractors, reapers, 
and processing plants 
that made agriculture more productive 
and transferred much of the resulting wealth 
from village-based farmers to city-based corporations.

For the first five of the ten thousand years 
of human civilization, wealth and power 
belonged to villages with green technology, 
and for the second five thousand years 
wealth and power belonged to cities 
with gray technology. 

Beginning about five hundred years ago, 
gray technology became increasingly dominant, 
as we learned to build machines 
that used power from wind and water 
and steam and electricity. 

In the last hundred years, 
wealth and power were even 
more heavily concentrated in cities 
as gray technology raced ahead. 

As cities became richer, rural poverty deepened.

This sketch of the last ten thousand years of human history 
puts the problem of rural poverty into a new perspective. 

If rural poverty is a consequence 
of the unbalanced growth of gray technology, 
it is possible that a shift in the balance 
back from gray to green might cause 
rural poverty to disappear. 

That is my dream. 

During the last fifty years 
we have seen explosive progress 
in the scientific understanding 
of the basic processes of life, 
and in the last twenty years 
this new understanding 
has given rise to explosive growth 
of green technology. 

The new green technology 
allows us to breed new varieties 
of animals and plants as our ancestors 
did ten thousand years ago, 
but now a hundred times faster. 

It now takes us a decade 
instead of a millennium 
to create new crop plants, 
such as the herbicide-resistant varieties 
of maize and soybean that allow weeds 
to be controlled without plowing 
and greatly reduce the erosion 
of topsoil by wind and rain. 

Guided by a precise understanding 
of genes and genomes 
instead of by trial and error, 
we can within a few years 
modify plants so as to give them 
improved yield, improved nutritive value, 
and improved resistance to pests and diseases.

Within a few more decades, 
as the continued exploring of genomes 
gives us better knowledge 
of the architecture of living creatures, 
we shall be able to design new species 
of microbes and plants according to our needs. 

The way will then be open for green technology 
to do more cheaply and more cleanly 
many of the things that gray technology can do, 
and also to do many things 
that gray technology has failed to do. 

Green technology could replace 
most of our existing chemical industries 
and a large part of our mining 
and manufacturing industries. 

Genetically engineered earthworms 
could extract common metals 
such as aluminum and titanium from clay, 
and genetically engineered seaweed 
could extract magnesium or gold from seawater. 

Green technology could also achieve 
more extensive recycling of waste products 
and worn-out machines, 
with great benefit to the environment. 

An economic system based on green technology 
could come much closer to the goal of sustainability, 
using sunlight instead of fossil fuels 
as the primary source of energy. 

New species of termite could be engineered 
to chew up derelict automobiles instead of houses, 
and new species of tree could be engineered 
to convert carbon dioxide and sunlight 
into liquid fuels instead of cellulose.

Before genetically modified termites and trees 
can be allowed to help solve 
our economic and environmental problems, 
great arguments will rage 
over the possible damage they may do. 

Many of the people who call themselves green 
are passionately opposed to green technology. 

But in the end, if the technology 
is developed carefully and deployed 
with sensitivity to human feelings, 
it is likely to be accepted 
by most of the people 
who will be affected by it, 
just as the equally unnatural 
and unfamiliar green technologies 
of milking cows and plowing soils 
and fermenting grapes 
were accepted by our ancestors long ago. 

I am not saying that the political acceptance 
of green technology will be quick or easy. 

I say only that green technology 
has enormous promise 
for preserving the balance of nature 
on this planet as well as 
for relieving human misery. 

Future generations of people 
raised from childhood 
with biotech toys and games 
will probably accept it 
more easily than we do. 

Nobody can predict how long 
it may take to try out the new technology 
in a thousand different ways 
and measure its costs and benefits.

What has this dream 
of a resurgent green technology 
to do with the problem of rural poverty? 

In the past, green technology 
has always been rural, 
based in farms and villages 
rather than in cities. 

In the future it will pervade cities 
as well as countryside, 
factories as well as forests. 

It will not be entirely rural. 

But it will still have a large rural component. 

After all, the cloning of Dolly occurred 
in a rural animal-breeding station in Scotland, 
not in an urban laboratory in Silicon Valley. 

Green technology will use land 
and sunlight as its primary sources 
of raw materials and energy. 

Land and sunlight cannot be concentrated in cities 
but are spread more or less evenly over the planet. 

When industries and technologies 
are based on land and sunlight, 
they will bring employment 
and wealth to rural populations.

In a country like India 
with a large rural population, 
bringing wealth to the villages 
means bringing jobs other than farming. 

Most of the villagers 
must cease to be subsistance farmers 
and become shopkeepers or schoolteachers 
or bankers or engineers or poets. 

In the end the villages 
must become gentrified, 
as they are today in England, 
with the old farm workers’ cottages 
converted into garages, 
and the few remaining farmers 
converted into highly skilled professionals. 

It is fortunate that sunlight 
is most abundant in tropical countries, 
where a large fraction of the world’s people 
live and where rural poverty is most acute. 

Since sunlight is distributed 
more equitably than coal and oil, 
green technology can be a great equalizer, 
helping to narrow the gap 
between rich and poor countries.

My book The Sun, the Genome, and the Internet (1999) 
describes a vision of green technology enriching villages 
all over the world and halting the migration from villages to megacities. 

The three components of the vision are all essential: 
the sun to provide energy where it is needed, 
the genome to provide plants that can convert 
sunlight into chemical fuels cheaply and efficiently, 
the Internet to end the intellectual 
and economic isolation of rural populations. 

With all three components in place, 
every village in Africa could enjoy 
its fair share of the blessings of civilization. 

People who prefer to live in cities 
would still be free to move 
from villages to cities, 
but they would not be compelled 
to move by economic necessity.

'Our Biotech Future' October 11, 2007

Our Biotech Future from the July 19, 2007 issue       
To the Editors:

Freeman Dyson has written 
his usual insightful essay 
[“Our Biotech Future,” NYR, July 19], 
but I differ on one important point 
regarding how evolution works. 

He points out that black leaves 
would be more efficient 
than green ones at capturing sunlight, 
and then tries to explain 
why leaves are not black. 

In doing so, 
he implicitly assumes 
that natural selection, 
left to itself after enough time, 
will always zero in 
on the most efficient means 
for improving adaptation. 

However, natural selection 
proceeds via a narrow 
point-to-point pathway, 
not a wide all-encompassing one. 

In solving any given problem 
it can make use of only 
what happens to be available 
at that particular time.

An anecdote illustrates 
this better than a discourse. 

Many years ago I was in a group 
of chemists making new antibiotics. 

One path taken was 
to synthesize cephalosporins 
with the ring sulfur atom 
replaced by oxygen, 
a chemically profound alteration. 

These oxy-cephs turned out to be 
orders of magnitude more potent 
than the natural ones. 

Why then did Nature 
not discover them, 
given so much time? 

Because the immediate precursors 
of cephalosporins on the synthetic pathway 
Nature had created to make them had a sulfur atom, 
not an oxygen atom, in the key position. 

The corresponding oxy precursor 
either did not then exist 
or was chemically 
unsuited to that pathway, 
and there was no going back 
a dozen steps to find 
a missing link that could go on
 to oxy-cephs, because every step 
in natural selection must 
be adaptive in its own right.

The basic premise 
is that every step 
in evolutionary change 
is stochastic and adaptive. 

No new structure that appears in this way 
persists unless it is immediately adaptive, 
even if just one more step might 
produce something very superior. 

Thus green leaves dominate 
because they happen to have come 
along before black ones, 
and also because chance uncovered 
no route from green to black 
that was adaptive at every new step.

Raymond A. Firestone
Stamford, Connecticut

Freeman Dyson replies:

Raymond Firestone correctly points out 
that evolution is constrained 
by the laws of chemistry 
and can only move one step at a time. 

His analogy between antibiotics and leaves is a good one. 

Evolution has failed to produce black leaves 
because they must be made of silicon, 
and the chemical reduction of silicate rock 
or sand to silicon cannot be done in one step. 

Although silicon is one of the most abundant elements, 
it occurs naturally in rock and sand in combination with oxygen, 
and no form of life has evolved a chemical pathway 
leading from silicon dioxide to pure silicon.

'Our Biotech Future': An Exchange September 27, 2007

Our Biotech Future from the July 19, 2007 issue     
To the Editors:

Science is valuable and admirable 
for its ability to establish 
a certain kind of truth 
beyond a reasonable doubt, 
for its precise methodologies 
and its respect for evidence. 

And so it is disconcerting to see 
an eminent scientist such as Freeman Dyson 
using his own prestige and that of science 
as a pulpit from which to foretell 
the advent of yet another technological cure-all.

In his essay “Our Biotech Future” [NYR, July 19], 
Mr. Dyson sees high technology 
as “marching from triumph to triumph 
with the advent of personal computers 
and GPS receivers and digital cameras,” 
and he foretells the coming 
of a “domesticated” biotechnology 
that will become the plaything 
and art form of “housewives and children,” 
that “will give us an explosion of diversity 
of new living creatures, rather than 
the monoculture crops 
that the big corporations prefer,” 
and will solve “the problem of rural poverty.”

This of course is only another item 
in a long wish list of techno-scientific panaceas 
that includes the “labor-saving” industrialization 
of virtually everything, 
eugenics (the ghost and possibility 
that haunts genetic engineering), 
chemistry (for “better living”), 
the “peaceful atom,” 
the Green Revolution, 
the space program, 
and computers. 

All those have been boosted, 
by prophets like Mr. Dyson, 
as benefits essentially without costs, 
assets without debits, 
in spite of their drawdown 
of necessary material 
and cultural resources. 

Such prophecies are in fact only sales talk
—and sales talk, moreover, by sellers 
under no pressure to guarantee their products.

Mr. Dyson has the candor to admit 
that biotechnological games 
for children may be dangerous: 
“The dangers of biotechnology are real and serious.” 

And he lists a number of questions
—serious ones, sure enough—
that “need to be answered.” 

But perhaps the most irresponsible thing 
in his essay is his willingness to shirk his own questions: 

“I do not attempt to answer these questions here. 
I leave it to our children and grandchildren to supply the answers.” 

This is fully in keeping with our bequest 
to our children of huge accumulations 
of nuclear and chemical poisons. 

And isn’t it rather shockingly unscientific? 

If there is anything at all to genetics, 
how can we assume that our children 
and grandchildren will be smart enough 
to answer questions that we 
are too dull or lazy to answer? 

And after our long experience of problems 
caused by industrial solutions, 
might not a little skepticism be in order? 

Might not, in fact, some actual cost accounting be in order?

As for rural poverty, Mr. Dyson’s thinking 
is all too familiar to any rural American: 

“What the world needs is a technology 
that directly attacks the problem of rural poverty 
by creating wealth and jobs in the villages.” 

This is called “bringing in industry,” 
a practice dear to state politicians. 

To bring in industry, 
the state offers “economic incentives” 
(or “corporate welfare”) and cheap labor 
to presumed benefactors, 
who often leave very soon 
for greater incentives 
and cheaper labor elsewhere.

Industrial technology, 
as brought-in industry 
and as applied by agribusiness, 
has been the cleverest means so far 
of siphoning the wealth of the countryside
—not to the cities, as Mr. Dyson appears to think, 
for urban poverty is inextricably related 
to rural poverty —but to the corporations. 

Industries that are “brought in” 
convey the local wealth out; 
otherwise they would not come. 

And what makes it likely 
that “green technology” 
would be an exception? 

How can Mr. Dyson suppose 
that the rural poor will control 
the power of biotechnology 
so as to use it for their own advantage? 

Has he not heard of the 
patenting of varieties and genes? 

Has he not heard 
of the infamous lawsuit of Monsanto 
against the Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser? 

I suppose that if, as Mr. Dyson predicts, 
biotechnology becomes available—cheaply, 
I guess—even to children, then it would 
be available to poor country people. 

But what would be the economic advantage of this? 

How, in short, would this work to relieve poverty? 
Mr. Dyson does not say.

His only example 
of a beneficent rural biotechnology 
is the cloning of Dolly the sheep. 

But he does not say how 
this feat has benefited sheep production, 
let alone the rural poor.

Wendell Berry
Port Royal, Kentucky

To the Editors:

In his excellent article titled “Our Biotech Future,” 
Freeman Dyson makes a number of stimulating points 
about the nature of life, evolution, and most importantly 
about the uses of so-called “green” and “gray” technologies. 

I fully believe that in order to achieve sustainable economies, 
the world will have to embrace green technology fully. 

However, as Dyson continues, 
popular acceptance of widespread 
or complete use of green technology 
is far from a foregone conclusion, 
and for whatever reason, 
I think that a piece of the puzzle 
has been left out of this treatise 
on technological conversion. 

The connecting concept I speak of 
is the in-between realm 
that is the integration 
of green and gray technologies.

To a certain extent, 
such combinations already exist. 

For instance, our current abilities to work with DNA
—to transfer bits of genetic code around at will, 
to silence or amplify the effects of specific genes, 
to read off the code—clearly relies heavily 
both on industrial manufacturing processes 
(to make the tools used) 
and on basic uses of physics and chemistry 
(electrophoresis, mass spectroscopy, etc.) 
to achieve their ends.

Beyond these implicit syntheses 
of the technological types 
described by Dyson, 
two examples come to mind. 

First, in my own field of neuroscience, 
it has long been troubling 
that there is so much difficulty 
in directly controlling neural circuits. 

There is only so much 
that can be learned from observation 
of neural systems and thus 
direct manipulation becomes necessary. 

By harvesting the DNA that instructs algae 
how to make photosensitive ion channels 
(the membrane proteins which individual cells 
use to control their electrical states) 
and putting that code into animals 
such as the oft-studied nematode C. elegans, 
it becomes possible to blend that green technology 
with our existing gray abilities to manipulate light 
and measure the responses of the nervous system 
in ways that are sure to advance our understanding of brains. [1]

The second example 
is perhaps even more relevant 
to a point raised by Dyson. 

He points out that plants 
are only about 1 percent efficient 
in harvesting light energy. 

However, this is not true 
of the initial stages of photosynthesis, 
specifically in the transfer of light energy 
through excited electrons 
to the reaction centers 
of the two photosystems 
found in the membranes 
of the substructures of chloroplasts 
where energy extraction occurs. 

In these early stages, 
the plants are 95 percent or more efficient, 
a figure we can only hope to someday achieve 
with our silicon-based photoelectric cells. 

This feat is accomplished 
by the fact that evolution 
has discovered how to overlap 
the quantum states of pigment molecules 
such that the transfer of excited electrons is coherent, 
that is to say achieved not by thermal bumping of molecules 
into one another like the heating of a pot of water, 
but by a nearly lossless, smooth transfer of excitation. [2] 

If we were able to figure out how 
to harvest and incorporate 
such green technology with existing gray, 
perhaps we could improve our abilities 
to use sunlight, a key element in Dyson’s vision 
of narrowing economic gaps between rich and poor countries.

Once again, 
I must say that I strongly believe 
that we must fully become 
a species of green technology users, 
as we were and animals are, 
in order to sustain ourselves in the long term. 

There is much territory to be explored, 
however, before we reach that point. 

The amalgamation of green and gray technologies 
offers us a path to move in that direction 
which will allow the public to become comfortable 
with the ubiquitous use of such means 
and facilitate understanding and discovery 
of phenomena which have as of yet remained out of reach.

James P. Herman
Graduate Student
Department of Neuroscience
City College of New York
New York City

To the Editors:

The fascinating speculations 
for the growth of technology 
in the twenty-first century 
in Freeman Dyson’s “Our Biotech Future” 
apply directly to medicine. 

If one considers the biggest achievements 
of the twentieth century in medicine, 
they are all largely “gray technologies”: 
artificial heart valves, hemodialysis, 
arterial stents, organ transplantation, 
internal cardiac defibrillators, heart-lung machines, 
deep brain stimulators, internal screw-fixation of bone, 
radiosurgery, etc.

Up until now relatively few medications 
have successfully altered genes 
or caused organs and tissues to regenerate. 

The promises of biotechnology 
are just barely starting 
to challenge the “nuts and bolts” 
of twentieth-century medicine. 

The primary reason the achievements 
in cardiac care in the twentieth century 
have outpaced other areas is that the heart 
(a pump) is uniquely suited 
to technology based on physics. 

On the other hand, 
the nanoscale of the central nervous system 
cannot be so easily manipulated by “gray technology.” 

Therefore, limited progress has been made 
in reversing neurological diseases 
such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease 
or even other common ailments like arthritis.

The biggest question is how medicine 
will achieve its paradigm shift 
to the new biotechnology 
in a research environment largely controlled 
by drug and device manufacturers 
with billions of dollars already 
at stake in “gray technology.”

Christopher B. Michael, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Baylor University Medical Center
Dallas, Texas

Freeman Dyson replies:

My thanks to Wendell Berry, James Herman, 
and Christopher Michael for their illuminating comments. 

As usual, I learn more from critics than from flatterers. 

I value Berry’s criticism especially 
because it comes from Kentucky, 
a state that I know only superficially 
from a visit to Center College in Danville, 
where I was a guest of the local chapter 
of Phi Beta Kappa students. 

In Danville I saw three things 
that agree with my vision of the future: 
a world-class performance 
of the Verdi Requiem by a local choir, 
a bookstore where the owners 
know and love what they are selling, 
and a roomful of bright students 
arguing about science and technology 
in the midst of a rural society.

I am aware that Danville is not all of Kentucky, 
and that large parts of Kentucky do not enjoy 
the blessings of gentrification. 

But I still see Danville as a good model 
for the future of rural society, 
when people are liberated 
from the burdens of subsistence farming. 

I am not foretelling any “technological cure-all.” 

I am only saying that science 
will soon give us a new set of tools, 
which may bring wealth and freedom 
to the countryside when they become 
cheap and widely available. 

Whether we greet these new tools 
with enthusiasm or with abhorrence 
is a matter of taste. 

It would be unjust and unwise 
for those who dislike the new tools today 
to impose their tastes on our grandchildren tomorrow.

I agree with James Herman 
that gray technology 
will continue to provide essential tools
 for exploring the mysteries of biology. 

In his own field of neurology, 
recent dramatic progress resulted 
from the use of magnetic resonance imaging 
to observe transitory changes in local brain activity 
associated with specific perceptions and movements. 

In the future, it is likely that the gray technology 
of electrical and optical sensors will allow us 
to study neural activities with far greater precision. 

But the green technology of genetic engineering 
will still be crucial to our understanding 
of the development and architecture of brains. 

Gray technology observes 
brains and neurons from the outside, 
green technology from the inside.

Dr. Michael raises an important question 
that will soon be answered. 

Large investments have already been made 
in companies that advertise themselves 
as providing “personalized medicine.” 

Their business plan is to extract information 
from the genome of a patient 
and to tailor the therapy to suit 
the patient’s genetic constitution. 

It remains to be seen whether “personalized medicine” 
will be successful, either medically or financially. 

This application of “green technology” 
has nothing to do with the domesticated biotechnology 
that I described in my article. 

I am not suggesting that oncologists and neurologists 
should be replaced by do-it-yourself gene-therapy kits.

[1]  Feng Zhang et al., 
"Multimodal Fast Optical Interrogation of Neural Circuitry,"
Nature, Vol. 446, pp. 633–639.

[2] Gregory S. Engel et al., 
"Evidence for Wavelike Energy Transfer 
through Quantum Coherence in Photosynthetic Systems," 
Nature, Vol. 446, pp. 782–786.

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