La ciencia,
en su práctica cotidiana,
está mucho más cerca del arte
que de la filosofía.
Cuando analizo
la demostración que hizo Gödel
para su teorema de indecibilidad,
no veo un argumento filosófico.
Esta demostración
es una construcción arquitectónica
que se eleva vertiginosamente,
una estructura única y maravillosa
como la catedral de Chartres.
Gödel tomó los axiomas matemáticos
formalizados de Hilbert como piezas
con las que montar su edificio
y construyó con ellos
una elevada estructura de ideas
en la que pudo finalmente insertar
su proposición aritmética indecidible
como clave del arco.
La demostración del teorema
es una grandiosa obra de arte.
Se trata de una construcción,
no de una reducción.
Arruinó el sueño de Hilbert
de reducir la totalidad de las matemáticas
a unas pocas ecuaciones
y lo sustituyó por un sueño mayor:
las matemáticas como un dominio
de ideas que crece sin fin.
Gödel demostró que en matemáticas
el todo es siempre mayor
que la suma de las partes.
Toda formalización de las matemáticas
plantea cuestiones que van más allá
de los limites del formalismo
y se internan en un territorio no explorado...
[The Scientist as Rebel, Freeman Dyson
traducido al castellano como
El Científico Rebelde
Debate /Random House Mondadori (Barcelona)
Editorial Sudamericana (Buenos] Aires, 2008)
Kurt Gödel
[Reprinted in Kurt Gödel - Das Album/The Album
Karl Sigmund, John Dawson & Kurt Mühlberger
Vieweg & Sohn Verlag (Wiesbaden, 2006)]
The editors of Erkenntnis have invited me
to give a synopsis of the results of my paper
«On formally undecidable propositions
of Principia Mathematica and related systems» (1931),
which has recently appeared in
Monathshefte für Mathematik und Physik 38,
but was not yet available at the Königsberg conference.
The paper deals with problems of two kinds, namely:
(1) the question of the completeness (decidability)
of formal systems of mathematics;
(2) the question of consistency proofs for such systems.
A formal system
is said to be complete
if every proposition
expressible by means of its symbols
is formally decidable from the axioms,
that is, if for each such proposition A
there exists a finite chain of inferences,
proceeding according
to the rules of the logical calculus,
that begins with some of the axioms
and ends with the proposition A
or the proposition not-A.
A system G is said to be complete
with respect to a certain kind of proposition R
if at least every statement of R
is decidable from the axioms of G.
What is shown
in the paper cited above
is that there is no system
with finitely many axioms
that is complete
even with respect only
to arithmetically propositions
[under the assumption that no false
(that is, contentually refutable)
arithmetical propositions
are derivable from the axioms
of the system in question.].
Here by "arithmetical propositions"
one has to understand those propositions
in which no notions occur other than
+, •, = (addition, multiplication, identity;
with respect to the natural numbers),
as well as the logical connectives
of the propositional calculus and, finally,
the universal and existential quantifiers,
restricted to variables whose domains
are the natural numbers.
(In arithmetic propositions,
therefore, no variables
other than those
for natural numbers occur.)
Even in systems
having infinitely many axioms,
there are always
undecidable arithmetical propositions,
provided the "axiom scheme" satisfies
certain (very general) requirements.
In particular, it follows from what has been said
that there are undecidable arithmetical propositions
in all known formal systems of mathematics
-for example, Principia mathematica (including
the axioms of reducibility, choice and infinity),
the Zermelo-Fraenkel and von Neumann
axiom systems for set theory, and the
formal systems of Hilbert's school.
Concerning the results on consistency proofs,
it has first to be noted that they have to do
with consistency of the formal (Hilbertian) sense,
i.e. consistency is conceived as a purely
combinatorial property of certain systems of signs
and the corresponding "rules of the game".
Combinatorial facts can, however,
be expressed in the symbols of mathematical systems
(for example Principia mathematica).
Hence the statement that a certain
formal system G is consistent
will often be expressible
in the symbols of that system itself
(in particular, this holds for
all of the systems mentioned above).
What is shown is the following:
For all formal systems for which the existence
of undedidable mathematical propositions
was claimed above, the assertion
of the consistency of the system itself
belong to the propositions undecidable in that system.
That is, consistency proof
for one of these systems G
can be carried out
only by means of inference
that are not formalized in G itself.
Thus for a system in which all finitary
(i.e. intuitionistically correct)
forms of proof are formalized,
a finitely consistency proof,
such as the formalists are seeking,
would be altogether impossible.
However, it seems doubtful
whether one of the systems hitherto set up,
for instance Principia mathematica,
is so all-embracing (or whether such
an all-embracing system exists at all).
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