Start-ups are nothing of the sort of smaller versions of established business....‏


Difference Engine: Pilgrim's progress

The Economist, Jul 30th 2012, 7:25 by N.V. | LOS ANGELES

Anyone who has tried a hand 
at starting a high-tech business
—seeking to turn a clever research idea 
into something customers will pay good money for
—quickly learns that everything taught 
in business school is next to useless. 

The mistake is to think of start-ups 
as just smaller versions 
of established businesses. 
They are nothing of the sort.

Existing enterprises, 
even so-called SMEs 
(small-to-medium establishments), 
usually have no shortage 
of marketing and financial data. 

Their success depends 
on how well they execute 
their data-driven plans. 

Start-ups, by contrast, 
are faith-based organisations 
that survive on passion and belief
—with nothing to go on 
but a bunch of hunches. 

To them, a business plan 
and a five-year forecast 
are largely irrelevant. 

As those who have done it will attest, 
no start-up’s business plan survives 
contact with the first customer.

The pilgrimage from garage 
to marketplace is a chaotic journey 
fraught with false starts, dead ends, 
redesigns, changes of heart, 
moments of elation punctuated 
by sloughs of despair. 

The path frequently 
doubles back on itself, 
disappears in thickets of regulation, 
gets stumped by internal 
doubts and disagreements. 

No surprise that, 
for every new venture 
that manages to turn an invention 
into a profitable innovation, 
hundreds of others fall by the wayside. 

Even then, only three out of 20 
of those successful enough to attract 
angel or venture-capital investors 
make it beyond five years. 

The rest go bust, get sold 
or simply fade away.

There ought to be a better way 
of turning all that effort 
and passion into lasting value.

Serial entrepreneur Steve Blank thinks there is. 

Mr Blank has spent 
the past 34 years in Silicon Valley, 
getting no fewer than 
eight start-ups off the ground. 

Over the past dozen years or so, 
he has also taught entrepreneurship 
at Stanford University, 
University of California at Berkeley 
and Columbia University. 

Lately, his Lean LaunchPad course 
at Stanford has been the model 
for an intriguing pilot programme 
called Innovation Corps 
(or I-Corps for short) 
which seeks to turn 
the traditional Silicon Valley 
start-up model on its head, 
and thereby reduce 
the woeful failure rate of new ventures.

With funding from the 
National Science Foundation (NSF) 
as well as the Kauffman Foundation 
of Kansas City and 
the Deshpande Foundation of India, 
Mr Blank has designed I-Corps 
as a way of converting 
the most promising science 
and engineering projects 
in American universities into start-ups. 

The I-Corps teams, selected from 
science and engineering applicants 
who are current or former NSF grantees, 
comprise just a principal investigator 
(usually a tenured professor), 
a younger entrepreneurial lead 
(undergraduate, graduate 
or post-doctoral student) 
and an experienced entrepreneur 
or venture capitalist as a mentor. 

Each of the 100 or so teams 
has received a $50,000 
to cover a crash course 
on how to avoid the pitfalls 
common to all new ventures.

What distinguishes an I-Corps start-up 
from a typical university spin-out 
is the way it forces researchers 
to stop fixating on the technology 
they have developed. 

New ventures, they are taught, 
are all about finding customers, 
what distribution channels to adopt, 
how to price the product, 
who to partner with, and more. 

From day one, the mantra is 
“get out of the lab”. 

Participating academics 
have to make countless cold calls 
to potential customers
—something few research scientists 
and engineers have ever done 
in their professional lives 
and most initially find awkward.

The I-Corps programme 
is based on the premise 
that all new ventures 
are little more than 
a series of untested hypotheses
—in other words, optimistic guesses 
about market size, customer needs, 
product pricing and sales channels. 

With so many unknowns, 
the programme teaches participants 
to treat their start-up as if it were 
a typical research project, 
amenable to the same iterative process 
of hypothesis testing and experimentation.

As the architect of the I-Corps programme, 
Mr Blank’s blueprint draws 
on two complementary techniques
—“business-model design” 
and “customer-development process”. 

The first uses a technique 
pioneered by the authors 
Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur 
in their book “Business Model Generation”. 

This provides a handy graphical template 
(called a "canvas") that helps 
fledgling start-up teams 
envisage their most likely customers. 

With the canvas' nine separate blocks 
covering such things as resources, 
value propositions, customer relations, 
cost structure and revenue streams, 
it captures the complete essence 
of a business plan. 

By filling in the individual blocks, 
the hopeful entrepreneurs are forced 
into the sort of business brainstorming 
many are unfamiliar with. 

Customer-development process, meanwhile, 
provides a real-world way of testing 
the business plan's various hypotheses, 
as written in the canvas' nine blocks. 

The testing is done 
by getting potential customers, 
suppliers, partners and channel operators 
to challenge the assumptions. 

If invalidated, the I-Corps team 
has to pivot, and revise the entry 
in that particular block of the canvas. 

The process is repeated until all reiterations, 
in all nine blocks, are finally exhausted 
and the business plan emerges 
robust enough to be realistic. 

The I-Corps curriculum emphasises 
that failures which force participants 
to pivot and change their assumptions 
are an integral part of the learning process. 

That can mean rethinking the market, 
changing the price, even altering the product itself. 

During the eight-week programme, 
I-Corps teams repaint 
their business-model canvases 
literally dozens of times. 

The average team confronts 
100 or more potential customers 
while honing its business plan 
and tweaking its product.

Recently, the I-Corps programme 
at Stanford celebrated 
its first year of coaching. 

Altogether, around 100 academic teams 
have completed the course. 

Some have gone on to receive 
Small Business Innovation Research grants 
from the NSF to develop their ideas further. 

Others have chosen to license their technology. 

Still others have attracted private investment.

Looking back, the organisers reckon success 
comes easier when the mature researcher 
and student work together as a team, 
sharing responsibilities. 

Projects fail when the principal investigator 
behaves as a boss, and the student merely a gopher. 

Teams that make the most progress 
are those with a clear idea 
about where the technology derived 
from their academic research 
could be most usefully deployed.

The NSF organisers are so pleased 
with the I-Corps’ first year at Stanford 
that they have now added two further nodes
—one at Georgia Institute of Technology 
and the other at the University of Michigan. 

They are also soliciting proposals 
from other universities 
wishing to join the programme. 

The number of teams selected 
for the coming year will double to 200 or so.

In the past, universities 
have had a mixed record 
of transferring technology 
developed in their labs 
to the marketplace. 

The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, 
along with subsequent amendments, 
spurred academic institutions 
to exploit their inventions and discoveries. 

Assigning ownership of the intellectual property 
from the funding agency to the institutions 
and researchers doing the actual work 
gave academics a powerful incentive 
to exploit their findings.

To help matters, a number of universities 
established technology-transfer offices on campus, 
with professional staff to identify business partners, 
negotiate licences, and even assist academics 
in launching their own start-ups. 

The process, it was assumed, 
would create a fat new revenue stream 
for the university. 

That has proved not to be the case. 

Licensing revenues 
have rarely exceeded the costs involved. 

A number of tech-transfer offices 
have since closed. 

Lacking prototype development facilities, 
the technology they offered tended to be 
too immature for commercial exploitation.

It is too early to say whether the I-Corps 
way of breeding entrepreneurs 
will prove more successful 
than the technology-transfer approach. 

The test will be how many 
new-style academic ventures 
make it beyond five years. 

It is not as though the money will be wasted. 
In fact, having already been funded by taxpayers, 
the NSF research involved would have zero return 
if it were simply left on the shelf.

Given that I-Corps participants 
have been coached by experienced entrepreneurs 
and encouraged to focus their technology 
on customer needs, they should at least 
have a better than Silicon Valley’s three out of 20 
chance of hitting the jackpot. 

For that, America, along with its new breed 
of academic entrepreneurs, can thank 
Mr Blank's painstaking pilgrimage.

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