Beat by Bit‏

Beast Beats,
To the Heart 
Of the Barbarians 
We Call Civilized People
[O el tempo de los que 
no tenemos tiempo]

(Bitter Butter 
Better Forget 
and Forgive)

Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Breath

Beat and Bit: 
Rhythm & Information

The Origins of Time
Time Meets Ends
Frontiers of Time
The End of Time

Change and Degradation

Es para llorar que la vida es tan corta
Es para llorar que la vida es tan larga

As Time Goes By
As Tears Goes By

Getting Better & Worse All the Time

Oblivion: The Time Machine 
that Remembers Only the Future

The Arrow of Time 
Points to the Fact
that Although the Flow of Time
Goes in the Same Direction
No one Baths in the same River.

The turbulent flow of living times
The death is the laminar flow

Viviendo todo falta
Muriendo todo sobra.

Nuestras vidas son los ríos
que van a dar al mar...

The Tons of Times Gone
The Tombs of Times 
of Loved and Gone

Timekeeping & Timelines

Time Combined: Motion / Kinesis

Sun Dial - Water Clock
Seasons - Recurrence
Regularities - Cycles
Markers - Records
Chaos - Irreversible
Mechanical Pendulum - Beats
Digital States - Bits

Beat - Beep - Bit - Bip, Bip!

The Roadrunner versus The Walking Man

¿Un coyote hasta el cogote?

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