Imágenes integradas 1

This could happen if one googles things like: 
funny, weird, bizarre (traffic) signals or signs

A few transcripts

Don't text and drive
Death monsters ahead

If you hit this sign you will heat that bridge
Warning: Please look under your vehicles for penguins

Don't stick your elbow out to far
It might go home in another car

Sign not in use.
No driving while blindfolded

We sell pot
Watch for flying monkeys.

Caution: Do not over analyze
Some of us love bugs

Correctional Facility Area
Do not pick up hitchhikers

Cats are not to be trusted
This is no joke.

No traffic signs
Drunken people crossing

Precipitous Bluffs Ahead
Parechutes Required

Don't hit the car in front of you.
Only an idiot would drive 
on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus.

Please be safe.
Do not stand, sit, 
climb or lean on zoo fences.
If you fall, animals could eat yo
and that might make them sick.
Thank you

Those who throw objects 
at the crocodiles 
will be asked to retrieve them.

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