Is the Universe a great mechanism, 
a great computation, a great symmetry, 
a great accident, or a great thought?

What are we enhancing 
or what is vanishing in our brains 
while flat and dormant views 
of the universe 
are slowly disappearing?

How fast is the world moving?  And why?

Are questions 
that were asked in extinct languages,
obsolete or inappropriate metaphors
than more typical languages 
with a long literary tradition,
or are they integral features 
of our daily human speech?

How do our brains became who we are?

Are we asking questions and seeking 
for patterns that in reality are due to choice?

Can machines think?
Do computers think?
Do animals have thought?

How does the brain 
represent the meaning of a sentence?

What is the question I am asking myself?

How can we know when and what we do not know?

What are the powers and the limitations of human intuition?

What goes on inside the head of a baby?

Can we learn to die?

Is there such a thing as narrative complexity?

How can we even begin to formulate 
the right questions about consciousness?

How will minds expand, 
once we understand 
how the brain makes mind?

The mysteries of mysteries: the origin of life.

What is it that makes something alive?

Is there life in exterior planets around other stars?

Is there intelligence in this planet?

Why is life so full of suffering?
Why is there so much misunderstanding?

Is enlightment a myth or reality?

The nature of love. 
The reason to live.

Where does love come from?

How many angels can dance 
on the tip of a broken heart?

What do women want?

Why there is Something instead of Nothing?

What does all the information mean?

How do people differ in the ways they think and learn?

Is nothing sacred?

What is the difference between men and pigs?

What do these discarded questions tell us?

The questions that have disappeared are eschatological…


Quantum mechanics was (and is) such a shock 
because it contradicts beliefs about physical reality 
that we didn't even know we had, beliefs 
so deeply embedded in the language of everyday speech 
that their contradictions seem 
not so much false as simply nonsensical. 

When we contact alien intelligences, 
will the effect on our ideas of mental reality 
be as profound as those of quantum mechanics 
on our ideas of physical reality?

What is the crucial distinction 
between inanimate matter 
and an entity which can act 
as an 'agent', manipulating the world 
on its own behalf; 
and how does that change happen?  

What is information 
and where does it ultimately originate? 

How can we improve our reward system 
for excellence in filtering, interpreting, 
and synthesizing the vast body 
of so-called information with which we are deluged.

If tragedy + time = comedy, 
what is the formula for equally therapeutic music?

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